Obrazek wyróżniający Baby snails from the “Mokry Dwór” Snail Farm

29 April 2016 Baby snails from the “Mokry Dwór” Snail Farm

These are our little Helix Aspersa Muller snails.

We use cuvettes specially prepared for edible snails farming at our farm. The cuvettes are very practical, made of sturdy plastic with small openings drilled in the sides. The top part of the cuvette is placed on the bottom part, it is stable.

Of course, other containers may be used as well, it is important they hold moisture inside reliably and that they are tight. Otherwise, small snails can escape.

Little snails we sell and ship to our foreign customers are prepared for shipment in styrofoam boxes. The boxes ideally maintain the correct level of moisture during transport.

baby snails

Note: We do not recommend the use of styrofoam boxes to inexperienced farmers. During the first farming seasons it is much easier to use transparent cuvettes, in which the entire hatching process of little snails may be observed.

styrofoam box

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