21 March 2016 Plants for edible snails Helix Aspersa Muller and Maxima
What should we plant and sow in the field intended for snail farming?
The biggest mistake is to sow grass in the field. Dense grass is even harmful to edible snails. Of course, if it grows during the season, we will not exterminate it by any means, but we should try and plant and sow other plants, limiting the opportunity for grass to spread.
The best solution is to plant the “Perko” common agrimony. Snails also like: salads (summer, winter variety), chicory, agrimony, beet roots, kale, artichokes. Less liked but still accepted plants include: clover, soy, corn, sunflower.
And an important information: these plants are used not only as food, but also as a shading cover for snails during the summer and retain moisture required by snails during hot periods.